Saturday, April 26, 2014

"The Last Supper" Has a Hidden Soundtrack

All right, this is just weird as hell.
So, you know Leonardo da Vinci, he of "The Last Supper"/helicopter designing fame. No, he didn't pass on the secret history of the offspring of Christ through cryptograms or backward crossword puzzle word searches or whatever. He just embedded a secret soundtrack into "The Last Supper."
Wait, What the Hell?
Those tasty dinner rolls scattered in "The Last Supper" may be the notes of a musical arrangement.
Actually, not just the bread, but the hands of Christ and the Apostles as well. One musician found that by drawing a five-line musical staff across the painting, the hands and buns seem to line up as the notes of a pretty little composition. This is assuming, of course, that the notes are read from right to left, which was how da Vinci wrote. Don't believe us? Give this a listen.
Nbc News
Suck it, Dan Brown.
Even skeptics have acknowledged that the composition's harmony is too perfect to be a coincidence. Da Vinci was, after all, the full-on Renaissance Man embodied, and one of his many, many, many gifts was that of music.
But the madness doesn't just stop with the notes. The same guy who discovered the music also claimed the painting held clues to the rhythm of the song and the duration of each note. So, technically, the first album containing a secret message when played backward was "The Last Supper."

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