Monday, April 28, 2014

Os Super-heróis Mais Bem Pagos

Christopher Reeve Earned $250,000 for Both Superman I and II

Reeve was picked from over 200 actors who auditioned for the role. Superman and Superman II were shot simultaneously and Reeve was reportedly paid $250,000 for both movies. It is estimated that the Superman franchise earned the actor a total of $3.7 million.

superman - the highest paid superhero roles to date

Michelle Pfeiffer Earned $3 Million for Batman Returns

Pfeiffer's $3 million salary for playing Catwoman was $2 million more than what was offered to Annette Bening. Bening was originally cast as Catwoman in Batman Returns, but was replaced by Michelle Pfeiffer when she became pregnant. To many Batman fans this casting switch paid off as Pfeiffer ended up creating a very memorable version of the character. 

catwoman - the highest paid superhero roles to date

Jennifer Garner Earned $3 Million for Elektra

Jennifer Garner had already played the title character in Daredevil prior and was rumoured to be earning around $3 million per movie at the time. Elektra, however, was a critical and commercial failure, with news reaching the press that Garner was extremely happy with the outcome of the film. She eventually married her Daredevil co-star Ben Affleck and has appeared in more indie type film roles since. 

elektra - the highest paid superhero roles to date

Nicolas Cage Earned $7.5 Million for Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance

Nicolas Cage pocketed a cool $7.5 million for playing Johnny Blaze (aka Ghost Rider) in this critical and commercial bomb of a sequel. Cage has since denied having any interest in reprising the role for any possible future sequels. 

ghost rider

Ryan Reynolds Earned $9 Million for The Green Lantern

Although Ryan Reynolds is notoriously secretive about his earnings as an actor, it is rumored that his Role in The Green Lantern earned him an estimated $9 million. Having also appeared as Deadpool in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Reynolds was reportedly in talks to revive the character for a future film. 

green latern

Wesley Snipes Earned an Estimated $10 Million for Blade II

It's difficult to confirm the exact sum Snipes was paid for the part alone in any of the three films but according to tax files released prior to the actor's conviction for tax offenses, his income was reported at over $10 million for Blade II in 2001 alone. Snipes served as both star and producer for the Blade trilogy, the last of which, Blade Trinity, was a flop at the box office. 

blade2 - the highest paid superhero roles to date

George Clooney Earned $10 Million for Batman and Robin

Clooney was the third actor to play the role of Batman throughout the 1990s, replacing Val Kilmer, who was notoriously difficult to work with. Reportedly, he was paid $10 million dollars at the time, for what is regarded as the worst Batman movie in the franchise. Many people still feel that the “Nipple Batsuit” was also a tad unnecessary. 

batman robin

Michael Keaton Earned $10 Million for Batman Returns

Michael Keaton returned to the role of Batman returned after a significant increase in his salary from the first film at $10 million. He was reportedly due to earn $14 million for reprising the role in Joel Schumacher's Batman Forever but declined due to the fact that he didn't like the direction that the franchise was going in. 

batman returns

Ben Affleck Earned $12.5 Million for Daredevil

Reviews of the film were generally mixed or average, but Daredevil still enjoyed a profitable theatrical run. Affleck earned $12.5 million for playing the role of Matt Murdock, a blind lawyer from Hell's Kitchen who masquerades as superhero Daredevil by night. A longtime Daredevil fan, Affleck stated he would only return in the lead role if Fox would renegotiate to tell the darker stories of Daredevil. 

daredevil - the highest paid superhero roles to date

Halle Berry earned $12.5 million for Catwoman

In 2004, Halle Berry was possibly the highest paid actress in Hollywood and commanded $12.5 million for the title role in this critical catastrophe. Berry was awarded the Golden Razzie for worst actress for her role and is one of the few recipients to ever show up at the ceremony to collect her award. 

catwoman halle berry

Sylvester Stallone Got $15 Million for Judge Dredd

Sly collected a massive $15 million in 1995 when he played the part of Judge Dredd. The film is based on the comic strip of the same name in the British comic 2000 AD. Stallone later commented that he had high hopes for the film but admitted that it didn't live up to what it could have been. 

judgedredd - the highest paid superhero roles to date

Keanu Reeves Took Home $15 Million for Each of The Matrix Sequels

Keanu Reeves stumbled into a veritable goldmine in 1999 when he played the part of Neo in The Wachowskis' The Matrix. He reportedly earned $10 million for The Matrix and $15 million each for the two sequels. Counting back-end deals and contractual agreements, Reeves could easily top the list as he earned a grand total of $262 million for all three movies. 

matrix - the highest paid superhero roles to date

Marlon Brando Earned $16 Million for Superman

Marlon Brando's involvement with Superman is the stuff of legend. Brando agreed to play Superman's dad for the sum of $3.7 million and essentially two weeks' work. He had his lines written on props, and had even suggested his role should be voiceover only, with Jor-El's physical state taking the form of a glowing green bagel. Having negotiated percentage points into his contract, Superman went on to become the highest-grossing film in Warner Bros history. Adjusted for inflation, Brando would have earned $55.5 million in today's dollars. 

marlon brando

Tobey Maguire Earned $17.5 Million for Spiderman 2

Tobey Maguire earned $4 million for Spiderman in 2002. In 2004, his fee jumped to $17.5 million plus back-end deals for the sequel. In 2007 he was paid a base fee of $15 million for reprising the role once again in Spiderman 3. 

spiderman - the highest paid superhero roles to date

Scarlett Johansson Will Earn $20 Million for Avengers 2

Her Black Widow character first appeared in Iron Man 2 in 2010 and she was paid $400,000 for her work. After appearing in Avengers Assemble last year, her fee has increased dramatically for her upcoming appearance in next years The Avengers 2. Johansson is due to pick up a nice $20 million paycheck for that. 

avengers - the highest paid superhero roles to date

Hugh Jackman Earned $20 Million for X-Men Origins: Wolverine

Hugh Jackman didn't so much as reinvent the role of Wolverine in the X-Men movies but rather made the role his own from the very start. Jackman is thought to have earned a big fat $20 million cheque for his work on the dodgy prequel 'X-Men Origins: Wolverine'. 

men origins

Will Smith Earned $20 Million for Hancock

In 2008, Will Smith played alcoholic superhero John Hancock and earned a $20 million payout for the role. The movie received mixed reviews but grossed more than $620 million in theaters worldwide. 

hancock - the highest paid superhero roles to date

Arnold Schwarzenegger Earned $25 Million for Batman and Robin

Undoubtedly one of the highlights in the terrible Batman and Robin movie of 1997 was Arnold Schwarzenegger's insanely quotable Mr. Freeze character. Puns such as “Allow me to break the ice” and “Alright everyone- Chill!” earned the actor $25 million.

freeze arnold schwarzenegger

Christian Bale Earned $30 Million for The Dark Knight

Bale was paid less for 'Batman Begins' than George Clooney was for 'Batman & Robin'. For The Dark Knight in 2008, Bale's pay was bumped up to $10 million, but a crafty contract saw him make money for every dollar 'The Dark Knight' made resulting in $30 million dollars in total. 

dark knight

Robert Downey Jr Earned $50 Million for The Avengers

Robert Downey Jr went from a reported $500,000 fee for the first 'Iron Man' film in 2008 to one a hundred times that amount for 'The Avengers' four years later. Downey Jr made the majority of his pay packet by agreeing on a percentage of the movie's total gross, and 'The Avengers' went on to become the third most successful movie ever. 

iron man avengers

Jack Nicholson Earned $60 Million as The Joker

Playing The Joker, Warner Bros. had to agree to give Nicholson top billing (even ahead of Michael Keaton) as well as percentage points on the movie's gross plus a special deal that gave him royalties on all merchandise. Jack Nicholson once held the record for highest ever single movie pay deal until Tom Cruise brokered mega-deals on the likes of Mission: Impossible and War Of The Worlds. 

joker - the highest paid superhero roles to date

Sunday, April 27, 2014

You’re Next para o blog Girl on Film

Em resposta ao desafio da Sofia Santos, do blog Girl on Film, 

Imagem inline 1

escolhi o filme You’re Next, de Adam Wingard e aqui está a minha crítica no feminino.

Home invasion por um grupo de onanistas com dinheiro para montarem uma produtora e entrarem nos filmes uns dos outros, ora realizando, escrevendo ou representando, e que desta vez apostaram no cliché do encontro familiar em casa de campo com assassinos mascarados à mistura. E, digo eu, antes com máscaras do que sem elas, porque não se aproveita um. Quanto ao elenco feminino, divide-se por uma voluntariosa, uma malvada e três vítimas mais ou menos assustadiças; não haver silicone é um ponto a favor, mas tanta magreza não pode ser saudável.

Sharni Vinson é a heroína e percebe-se logo porquê. A bailarina de Step Up 3D é da terra do Crocodilo Dundee, onde uma faca é uma faca, e ela sabe usar facas, machados, bestas, copos misturadores e tábuas com pregos, copiando até uma MacGyverice já utilizada por Nancy Thompson (a menos bimba de todas as heroínas de terror dos anos 80) na porta de entrada de Pesadelo em Elm Street. Margaret Laney é mais bonita, mas percebeu que a carreira não ia avançar com esta película e assinou de pseudónimo, porque o sindicato se opôs a que o fizesse de cruz. Barbara Crampton também merece menção, já que foi scream queen de boobies de fora nos anos 80, fez carreira nas soap operas e voltou como uma senhora de respeito; há que dar valor a quem não se deixa estragar pela menopausa. Ainda no campo das boobies, de mencionar que a primeira cena é de uma figurante a fazer sexo com um labrego foleiríssimo (já tinha avisado), mas um olhar mais atento ao topless da jovem parece indiciar ali um body cor de pele; é o que eu digo sempre: se não te pagam para isso, não apanhes frio.

De qualquer modo, há que reconhecer que é um slasher onde a heroína é bem mais despachada do que o costume, não dando parte de fraca desde o início, uma autêntica Ripley ao nível de Aliens, cujas comparações terminam aí. Quanto ao título, está ali para enganar, literalmente, tanto o público (em relação às intenções dos homicidas) como, vá, conceda-se, as autoridades da terrinha, com os mesmos argumentos. O argumento é que é muito fraquinho: tem twists e mortes, mas boceja-se mais do que se vibra. A direcção de fotografia e isso também não estão mal. A evitar, a menos que tenha de ser.

Marcelo entre polacos e africanos

Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa foi ao Vaticano e passou várias horas nas filas de espera, "entre polacos e africanos". Não sei se quis dizer entre brancos e negros, entre pessoas do Leste e pessoas do Sul, o que sei é que se referiu a pessoas de um país europeu e às de um continente inteiro, assim, como se a Europa presente se reduzisse à Polónia ou os negros continuem todos no saco africano.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Para que serve o buraco na tampa de uma lata de bebida

Lawnmower Man (1992)

Ontem lembraram-me de The Lawnmower Man (1992), um filme de ficção científica muito mau. É um completo série Z. Primeiro, baseia-se num conto do Stephen King e depois tira-lhe tudo, ficando apenas com o protagonista, que é um tolo com poderes telequinésicos, que comanda com a mente o seu cortador de relva. Tudo o resto é diferente do livro. Quanto aos actores, temos Jeff Fahey e Pierce Brosnan num constante duelo de "Eu sou mais giro do que tu", quando ambos estão em baixo de forma. Fahey, então, detesta o papel, porque faz de débil mental e ainda lhe alouraram o cabelo escuro, pelo que se sente envergonhado e raivoso. No final, uma espécie de CGI muito baratucha toma conta do filme, descaracterizando tudo até lhe desligarem a ficha. Mas já o vi há muitos anos, pode ter melhorado como o vinho do Porto ... ou azedado.

Not Beethoven ...

Craig Ferguson com Toni Collette

- On my next show, i’ll play a surgeon.
- What kind of surgeon?
- Oh, you operate on dinossaurs!

Craig Ferguson com Toni Collette

The Sistine Chapel Hides an Atheist Message

Michelangelo's ode to the Book of Genesis, The Creation of Adam, has endured not only as the most famous of the Sistine Chapel panels, but also one of the single most iconic images of humanity.
Note how Adam's pose mimics God's, how mankind is framed off from the Heavens by earth and mountains, and how God and his entourage are rolling around in a gigantic, floating brain.
Wait, What the Hell?
Look closely. It turns out that the figures of God, His angels and even the soon-to-be-created Eve under His arm form a nearly perfect cross-section of the human brain.
While some might dismiss this as a coincidence, experts suggest that it would be harder to explain that this was not Michelangelo's intention. Even complex components within the brain, such as the cerebellum, optic chiasm and pituitary gland can all be found in the picture. As for that sassy green sash running down the pons/spinal column/dude-holding-God-up, it follows the path of the vertebral artery perfectly.
Along with drawing, painting, sculpting, St. Peter's Basilica building and generally being among the universe's top bananas, Michelangelo counted cadaver dissecting as a favorite way to pass the time. He was so mad about corpse-cutting, in fact, that a friend once presented him with a perfectly formed dead Moor as a gift.
So why would this immensely talented genius stick the actual shape of the human brain in the middle of what he had to know was a pretty major work? Was he cleverly suggesting that God was bestowing Adam with divine knowledge? Or was Michelangelo literally saying God was created inside the human brain? It would have been a pretty ballsy message to send while painting the Pope's house for him. Although, since body dismemberment wasn't a hugely popular hobby at the time, he probably knew this one would stay quiet for a while.

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Radiohead's Decade-Spanning Secret Album

Radiohead's In Rainbows came out on 10/10/07, 10 years after OK Computer, and there are 10 letters in the names of both albums. Additionally, OK Computer's original working title was Zeroes and Ones, or "01," (the mirror image of "10" ... obviously). That last part alone is enough to make Radiohead fans start looking for a crazy conspiracy, as you're probably aware if you've ever had to spend a long car ride sitting beside one. The scary part? This time they'd be totally right.
Capitol Records
This is what doing a whippet on the highway looks like.
There's a way to combine the tracks from OK Computer (hereinafter referred to as 01) and In Rainbows (hereinafter referred to as 10), to form one huge mega-album. As Puddlegum explains:
To create the 01 and 10 playlist, begin with OK Computer's track one, "Airbag," and follow this with In Rainbow's track one, "15 Step." Alternate the albums, track by track, until you reach "Karma Police" on OK Computer, making "All I Need" the tenth track on the 01 and 10 playlist.
It's not that they sound nice together; it's that these songs were definitely meant to make us shit our pants when played like this. In the way that "Golden Slumbers," "Carry That Weight," and "The End" all flow into each other on the Beatles' Abbey Road, these songs all flow into one another as well, as if they were all recorded in one big session.
Don't believe us? Just listen to it. To get the full effect, you need to set your player with a 10-second crossfade between tracks (more 10s!), but you can notice most stuff without doing that. Then shit your pants.
Is Thom York moody, or is he acting like he just crapped his pants as a really subtle clue?
This blogger points out that the song "Nude" (10 album), starts with the reverb from "Subterranean Homesick Alien" (01 album) still lingering, and the beats at the end of "Airbag" (01) set the tempo for "15 Step" (10). There's nothing unusual about that ... except when you consider that those songs were written and recorded 10 years apart. The pants-shitting synchronicity also applies to the lyrics. Puddlegum gives some examples and says: "There appears to be a concept flowing through the 01 and 10 playlist. Ideas in one song [are] picked up by the next." In fact, one of the songs from In Rainbows was originally written for OK Computer and not used for 10 years, and the title of another seems to sum up the whole thing: "Jigsaw Falling into Place."
Remember all that "10" stuff we mentioned up top, about the date, the time between albums, the number of letters in the titles and whatnot? Want more? Radiohead themselves announced In Rainbows only 10 days before it came out (which is rather unusual), and the announcement was followed by a series of 10 cryptic messages posted by the band on their website. That's nothing new: Cryptic messages might be the only way alternative rock musicians know how to communicate. But then Radiohead fans, being Radiohead fans, noticed that the messages emphasized the letter X (one image was titled "Xendless Xurbia"). And, say, isn't "X" the Roman numeral for 10? Plus, let's take a look at this cover art real quick.
Oh, look, two 10s. Huh.
And as our comments section have informed us, the first numeral for the albums (O)K Computer and (I)n Rainbows are a zero and a one. And Radiohead also held a music video contest among their fans once: the prize was $10,000. They wound up giving an extra $1,000 to 10 people. And followed this all up with a 10-month tour.
The band has never officially confirmed any of this, although Puddlegum claims that Thom Yorke was annoyed by how long it's taken people to figure it out. Come on, dude -- not all of us are insane alien geniuses.

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"The Last Supper" Has a Hidden Soundtrack

All right, this is just weird as hell.
So, you know Leonardo da Vinci, he of "The Last Supper"/helicopter designing fame. No, he didn't pass on the secret history of the offspring of Christ through cryptograms or backward crossword puzzle word searches or whatever. He just embedded a secret soundtrack into "The Last Supper."
Wait, What the Hell?
Those tasty dinner rolls scattered in "The Last Supper" may be the notes of a musical arrangement.
Actually, not just the bread, but the hands of Christ and the Apostles as well. One musician found that by drawing a five-line musical staff across the painting, the hands and buns seem to line up as the notes of a pretty little composition. This is assuming, of course, that the notes are read from right to left, which was how da Vinci wrote. Don't believe us? Give this a listen.
Nbc News
Suck it, Dan Brown.
Even skeptics have acknowledged that the composition's harmony is too perfect to be a coincidence. Da Vinci was, after all, the full-on Renaissance Man embodied, and one of his many, many, many gifts was that of music.
But the madness doesn't just stop with the notes. The same guy who discovered the music also claimed the painting held clues to the rhythm of the song and the duration of each note. So, technically, the first album containing a secret message when played backward was "The Last Supper."

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O porquê da ponta dos palitos ter aquela forma

Daredevil and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Were Created in the Same Traffic Accident

Marvel Comics, Nickelodeon
Superhero crossovers are nothing new, but what makes this one special is the blatant illegality and in-story significance of it. Daredevil had existed for 20 years before the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles showed up in the '80s -- and yet their origins establish that they are both the product of the same traffic accident and the same mysterious goo.
Daredevil's origin, as shown in Daredevil #1, is that when he was young he saved a blind man from getting hit by a truck, only to have a radioactive canister fall off the same truck and hit him in the face. This was before, of course, the "Put Some Time into Securing Your Radioactive Shit" shipping laws that we take for granted now.
Marvel Comics
"Call an ambulance? No, I'd rather stand here and commentate."
Between the radioactivity of the substance, the impact of the hit and the cylinderness of the container, Daredevil was left blind. But he was extra good at his other senses, so he ended up a superhero, obviously. The real question wasn't "How is getting blinded by a can after saving a blind guy an origin story?" It was "What happened to the mysterious canister after it bounced off proto-Daredevil's kisser?"
Kevin Winter/Getty Images
It doesn't look like it did Ben Affleck any harm.
Fast forward 20 years: The creators of the Ninja Turtles were big fans of Daredevil, especially the issues by Frank Miller. Not content with simply borrowing Daredevil's origin, they went ahead and wrote their characters into it. In Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1, we see the exact same scene as before, only from a different perspective. The radioactive canister hits the boy in the head ...
... then falls into a sewer and mutates some baby turtles into cowabunging ninjas.
As opposed to, say, sewer alligators.
Of course, the boy is never explicitly identified as the future Daredevil, but that's because the character belongs to Marvel Comics and the Ninja Turtles do not. Still, it's pretty obvious that it's the same kid, and the fact that the canister turned out to be full of mutating goo does explain how getting hit in the head by something could possibly give someone superpowers. (Life tip: It usually doesn't.)
Marvel Comics
You're usually advised to open the lid first, duh.
So if young Daredevil hadn't been there, the canister probably wouldn't have fallen into the sewer and those four regular turtles probably wouldn't be fighting crime today. All the TMNT cartoons and movies show variations of the same origin, and the radioactive ooze in particular has become an iconic part of the Turtle brand -- even though it was completely stolen from another comic.
"Warning: May cause irrevocable blindness."

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The Konami Code

The Konami Code 

The Deception Point in The Da Vinci Code

Years before the publication of The Da Vinci Code, fans of Brown's novel Deception Point might have noticed a seemingly random series of numbers and letters on the last page of that book: "1-V-116-44-11-89-44-46-L-51-130-19-118-L-32-118-116-130-28-116-32-44-133-U-130."
While sane readers probably assumed that a mouse got stuck in the gears of whatever giant printing press spits out Simon & Schuster paperbacks, crazier fans may have checked to see what would happen if you replaced each number in the sequence with the first letter in the corresponding chapter in Deception Point. If you did that, you would have discovered the letter sequence "T V C I R H I O L F E N D L A D C E S C A I W U E" -- which you might recognize as also complete gibberish. But Brown's crazy fans didn't decorate their sheds with newspaper clippings and jars of urine because they're quitters. Those fans would have noticed that there are 25 letters, which is a square-able number, and realized that when you arrange those letters in a five-by-five square, you get:
... which, when read from top to bottom by column (instead of left to right by row like you just did), reveals the message: "THE DA VINCI CODE WILL SURFACE."

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The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy's 42

The "answer to life, the universe, and everything", a reference to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, is 42.

Dead Nude Women Are Hidden in The Silence of the Lambs Poster

Most of us don't look twice at movie posters, short of muttering under our breath and saying, "Oh fuck, they're doing a sequel/remaking/rebooting that shit?" So it's easy to miss some of the awesome things artists are hiding in the posters, presumably for the hell of it.
Take the poster for The Silence of the Lambs. You remember the death's-head moths that are only in like 10 minutes of the movie but are all over the posters?
Sure, they really do have little skull-looking markings on their back, and that is totally bitchin'. But they're not as detailed as the one in the poster. Why is that? Stylistic choice, maybe? Why don't we take a closer look?
That's not a skull at all. It's seven nude women arranged to look like a skull. It's actually a very, very tiny version of a famous photograph of Salvador Dali taken by Phillippe Halsman.
Dali can make anything creepy.
The poster for the indie horror film The Descent used the same photo as its inspiration. And now you'll never look at Jodie Foster's mouth the same way again.
Lionsgate Films

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Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Era o meu jogo de Arcade favorito. Jogava-o no salão de jogos O Batuque, que ficava na Avenida Fernão de Magalhães, no Porto, entre 1988 e 1999.