Sunday, August 4, 2024

St. Anthony's Sermon to the Fishes

Só hoje percebi porque é que o Sermão de Santo António aos Peixes em inglês, famoso poema do padre jesuita António Vieira, é St. Anthony's Sermon to the Fishes e não St Anthony's Speech to the Fish. É por causa da rima do terceiro para o quarto versos na tradução para inglês.

Aqui fica o poema todo, conforme tradução de Abraham a Sancta-Clara:

 Saint Anthony at church

    Was left in the lurch,

    So he went to the ditches

    And preached to the fishes.

        They wriggled their tails,

        In the sun glanced their scales.

    The carps, with their spawn,

    Are all thither drawn;

    Have opened their jaws,

    Eager for each clause.

        No sermon beside

        Had the carps so edified.

    Sharp-snouted pikes,

    Who keep fighting like tikes,

    Now swam up harmonious

    To hear Saint Antonius.

        No sermon beside

        Had the pikes so edified.

    And that very odd fish,

    Who loves fast-days, the cod-fish,

    The stock-fish, I mean,

    At the sermon was seen.

        No sermon beside

        Had the cods so edified.

    Good eels and sturgeon,

    Which aldermen gorge on,

    Went out of their way

    To hear preaching that day.

        No sermon beside

        Had the eels so edified.

    Crabs and turtles also,

    Who always move low,

    Made haste from the bottom

    As if the devil had got 'em.

        No sermon beside

        The crabs so edified.

    Fish great and fish small,

    Lords, lackeys, and all,

    Each looked at the preacher

    Like a reasonable creature.

        At God's word,

        They Anthony heard.

    The sermon now ended,

    Each turned and descended;

    The pikes went on stealing,

    The eels went on eeling.

        Much delighted were they,

        But preferred the old way.

    The crabs are backsliders,

    The stock-fish thick-siders,

    The carps are sharp-set,

    All the sermon forget.

        Much delighted were they,

        But preferred the old way.